How the Ocean Reminds Me of Abundance

whaleThe other day, I came home to a notice of my rent being raised. Although this isn’t the best news to receive, I was surprised by my reaction. My immediate thought was that everything is as it should be and everything will be okay. I realized that if I would have received this notice a year ago, I would have reacted negatively and most likely become upset.

Shortly after I receiving the notice,  I laced up my runners and headed to the beach for a much needed run. I was thinking about the notice and processing the fact when all of a sudden, two whale’s tails rose out of the water very close to shore. I stopped, stunned at what I had just witnessed.

I watched the water and their heads bobbed up and then their fins followed by spouts of water bursting every so often. I stood there for a long time watching these magnificent creatures choreographed to the sound of the waves. I was completely entranced.

The longer I stood there, I realized that there were actually four whales close to shore. The only word that came to mind was “Abundance.” I often scan the water in search for whales, seals and dolphins when I am on the beach. I usually see one every once in a while out in the distance. But this time I was being shown just how abundant the universe really is. I considered this a good omen, one of abundance and provision.

Everything is going to be okay. In fact, when I look back on every time I received news like a rent hike, the universe has provided in ways I could not even imagine and I am filled with gratitude.

I am continually reminded of the lesson of going from a mindset of scarcity to sufficiency and finally abundance. Our minds create our reality. If we allow thoughts of scarcity to overtake us, that becomes our reality. Fixing our minds towards abundance and going a step further and actually practicing gratitude for abundance all around attracts abundance into our lives. Simply put, this is the law of attraction.

I am continually amazed how just changing my mindset from scarcity and anxiety to abundance and gratitude changes everything. Letting go and noticing the positive is key. When I just open my eyes to stop and observe, I realize just how abundant life really is.

Is there an area in your life where scarcity takes over your mindset? How can you transform your mindset to abundance? Where do you see abundance in your life?

For more information on transforming your mindset from scarcity to abundance and practicing gratitude, email me at

April’s Pink Full Moon: Intentions and Letting Go

mooon3April’s full moon is known as the Pink Moon, named after the first flowers of Spring. This is the perfect time to conduct Spring cleaning, weeding gardens and setting intentions for the month to come. Just as the Spring brings new blossoms to plants and trees, new things are taking root and blossoming in our hearts and souls. After letting go of the dead of winter, transitions and changes are budding and blooming. Spring cleaning can be done both physically and spiritually.

Here are 5 steps on setting intentions and letting go.

Meditate: Sit quietly and meditate on the coming month. Notice what has been transpiring and sit with your breath asking “What do I want?” and “What do I need to release?” Allow the stillness and silence to bring answers to you.

Set Intentions: Make a list of your intentions for the month. Focus on what you want to spend the next 30 days creating, changing, manifesting and focusing on.

Visualize: With each intention, visualize what the outcome looks like.

Release and Let Go: What are the things you need to release and let go of? What no longer serves you? Intend to let these things go, see them disappear into the sky until you can no longer visualize them. If it is something physical, throw it away or donate it.

Offer Gratitude: To seal the ritual, offer gratitude. This is important especially when setting intentions. The universe is constantly listening to our deepest desires and when we take a step towards actualizing them, we need offer thanks.

With each full moon, set aside time to set intentions and let go of what no longer serves you. This particular full moon also coincides with a Lunar eclipse just 2 weeks after a Solar eclipse. An eclipse during a full moon is a time to contemplate endings. Are there things in your life that need to end or have recently ended and you can’t seem to let go of? Now is the time to let them pass. In order for new growth to occur, what no longer is meant to grow must be let go of.

What is blossoming in your soul? Do you need to make room for further growth? Take the time to honestly answer these questions. Live authentically and allow the pain of transition to transform you into a beautiful blossom.

For more information on setting intentions and letting go, please contact

Lunar New Year Intentions


This week brings three events that offer the time to look inward and release: The New Moon coincides with the beginning of Lent tonight and tomorrow begins the Lunar New Year: Year of the Sheep.

As the last month of winter sets in, the New Moon is the perfect time think about the things in your life that need to end. In order for new beginnings to take place, address, clear away and let go of the things which no longer serve you. Are there any areas or chapters that need closure? What do you need to let go of? Be honest and allow the release in order to manifest the awaiting growth. Just like new buds in the spring, the weeds need to be pulled for the best growing environment. This is the time to give birth.

Additionally, Lent is a 40 day period, beginning today, which focuses on the purification of spirit. Preceded by Fat Tuesday, this is a time to purify from something that may be holding you back. It is interesting that it should fall on the same day of the New Moon magnifying the importance of closure and letting go.

Tomorrow, the Year of the Sheep begins marking the end of the fast moving, wild and crazy Year of the Horse. I definitely feel the energy level coming down recently. Last year was a whirlwind of travel, transition, lessons and emotions. Everything moved rapidly. I felt like there wasn’t enough time to process everything. Lately I have been looking inward as the energy started to subside to wrap my mind around it all. It was a beautiful year filled with passion, emotion, growth, movement and strength. As I look back I realize there were so many patterns broken, necessary endings and opportunities for growth. The energy of the year was definitely like a face paced gallop.

Unlike a Horse, a sheep signifies a calmer more caring approach to life. Compassion, generosity, gentleness and intention are themes for this year. It is a time to deepen spiritual connection while becoming clear and intentional with actions. Like a ram that is head strong, make sure to be true to yourself, stay centered and don’t blindly follow the herd. Be passionate and true to your desires to attract like minded spirits that inspire instead of those who sap your energy. Take stock of who is in your life and what you are putting out into the world. Some important questions to ask are…

Who do I want to be?

Where do I want to go?

Are the things/people in my life conducive to my desired path?

What do I need to let go of in order to be my most authentic self?

Whether you are letting go for the purpose of renewal, lent or celebrating the lunar new year, harness the powerful energy available right now to center yourself and identify with your authenticity. May you find peace, love and compassion during this process.