Gratitude Heals: How to Replace Scarcity with Abundance

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There is a lot of science and research on how gratitude heals. Scarcity creeps in and grabs a hold with force. What may have been something that we are completely grateful for can turn into our greatest frustration. How does this happen?

Expectations — they create disappointment and rob the joy out of something that has the possibility to create excitement.

When frustration takes over, we start to notice all the things that could and have gone wrong. This is where scarcity takes over. It sees the perfect opportunity to sweep in and make a nice home inside the negative thoughts and emotions causing them to be augmented.

Thoughts of not being enough, doing enough, having enough seep in. Before we know it, we regret the thing that we wanted so badly.

This has happened to me several times. I place such high expectations on the things I want the most that I end up sabotaging their success. I have done this in relationships, at work, with family and even with working out. My perfectionist tendencies would flare up, I got attached to outcomes that I deem are necessary for success and then POOF! they fall apart.

It took me some time to come to this realization. In the meantime, I would be a basketcase wondering: “How did this happen once again?”

I’d place blame until I realized that I had control over the way I perceived each situation and the expectations I set.

It is hard to let go of expectations.

We want what we want when we want it. Best laid plans are just that, plans. Nothing is set in stone and so many things can happen that are out of our control. When we decide that things need to be a certain way and leave little room for variety, we set ourselves up for disappointment.

But there is a way to replace scarcity with abundance. It takes some work, but with practice we can change the way we react and replace with positive feelings and reactions.

Release the expectation, attachment and need for control. Be fluid and allow things to occur as they will.

Reframe the negative thought or feeling with something positive. Ask yourself: What is going right?

Recognize what is going right with gratitude. The best way to go from scarcity to abundance is gratitude. Always look for the positive and be grateful. This tiny step will change your mind.

Start to notice where scarcity has created frustration in your life and take the time to heal this wound. Our bodies have a physical response to this emotion. We crave security and fulfillment. When we are off balance in this area, we feel fearful, scarce and controlling.

We can heal with gratitude. Transforming the energy frees up the tension that we hold physically and emotionally.

Gratitude can heal where scarcity once scarred.

How to Create an Abundance Mindset

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Have you ever felt like there just isn’t enough? Not enough money to pay the bills, food to feed the family, time to complete the day’s tasks, opportunities available or people to connect with? Feeling like there isn’t enough can leave us in a state of scarcity and discontent. When scarcity takes over, it is hard to look on the bright side and see the good that does exist.

Discontentment stems from scarcity and scarcity is rooted in fear.

Fear can creep in the moment something goes wrong, triggering a response that focuses on what’s going wrong and from there, scarcity is all we can focus on. This is a very hard place to move on from. Its an anxious feeling that if left unchecked, can take over our thoughts, not allowing us to move forward.

If you’ve ever had a time when there wasn’t enough, you know that scace thoughts are powerful. When these thoughts start to take over, stop and ask yourself: “Is this really true?” and “What is the truth in this situation?”

For instance, “I don’t have enough money for that.” can be changed to “I need to save money to pay for that” or “I will change some of my spending to afford that.” Because the truth is there is enough money out there and if something is important enough to you, you can save or change some spending or even find different work or a side-gig. We are not here with a set amount of funds that once they run out, its done.

An abundance mindset reframes scarce thoughts to enough and eventually into plenty.

Money comes and goes, but there is a lot circulating and plenty for everyone. People come and go from our lives but the ones who matter stick around. Opportunities can seem few and far between, but they are endless.

Abundance is all around us and available to everyone. There is a shift that happens when we stop focusing on what’s not working to what is working. Let’s take time for example: Every person on this planet has exactly 24 hours in their day. EVERY PERSON!!! That means that we can choose to see 24 hours as either enough or not enough.

Just shifting your thought to enough begins the work of an abundance mindset. Of course there will be days where you won’t get everything done on your to-do list. But 24 hours is enough and the same amount as everyone else. Next time you are writing your to-do list, ask yourself “What is the most important thing for me to get done today?” and then work on that. Even if it means 10 things go untouched, you get to choose what is the most important thing. When that one thing is done, ask yourself that question again.

Creating an abundance mindset takes practice, especially if scarcity is a go-to thought pattern. There are simple things we can do that with enough practice and repetition, we can create a mindset geared towards abundance.

When we begin to think abundantly, our energy changes and attracts more goodness into our lives.

Here are 5 tips to help you create an abundance mindset:

  1. Reframe scarce thoughts: Stop the thought and ask yourself “Is this true? What is the truth?” Then, reframe the scarce thought into an empowering one. Our minds are super powerful and create our reality
  2. Heal your money wounds: How do you feel and think about money? Why do you think and feel that way? Is there something that happened or conditioned you to think scarcely? When we dive into why we believe certain things about money, we can begin to forgive and heal thought patterns that no longer serve us.
  3. Write out you money goals and be specific. Do you need an extra $100? Write it down. Do you dream of being a millionaire? Write it down. In fact, get detailed about it. A mind that is calibrated to achieve goals starts looking for ways to make it happen. And the best part, the universe hears our deepest desires and delivers once we are crystal clear on what and why we want something.
  4. Visualize the outcome: See yourself living, thinking and giving abundantly. Feel the stress melt away. Breathe in the calm and security your abundance brings.
  5. Offer gratitude every day: Gratitude is so powerful. Are you grateful for the things you already have in your life? The practice of gratitude creates a ripple effect and soon, you will notice even the smallest things are something to be grateful. There is always something to be grateful for, so make sure to make this a daily habit!

Try these steps for the next month and see how you feel. Changing your mindset will change your reality. What you focus on grows. Therefore, if you focus on being abundant in time, money, opportunities, love, joy, peace…you will begin to see these areas flourishing in your life.

*If you would like help to implement these practices into your daily life and want to create an abundance mindset, sign up for a free 15 minute coaching consultation.

Full Sturgeon Moon

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Tonight’s full moon was named for the time of year when sturgeon could be abundantly found in the Great Lakes. This is also a time of celebration and insight as things are preparing to ripen for harvest. Abundance is all around and the sun still hangs in the sky allowing for longer days. The sturgeon moon is about looking deeper and noticing the goodness all around.

If one looked at a lake early in the morning, it would seem tranquil with the sun just coming up. Boats have not made their way out. All is still. The lake mirrors the sky above, yet there is plenty of life thriving just below the surface.

What is alive below the surface for you?

This full moon illuminates things the things that we have either ignored or that are trying to make their way through into consciousness. All of the longings you have been feeling are signals to what is trying to grab your attention. Ask yourself: What are the messages that are trying to be delivered?

It is easy to bury our desires and needs in the midst of schedules and to-do lists. But, right now it is important to pay attention to what begs to be seen and heard. These things are asking you to be true to yourself.

Heed to the relentless call of your soul.

As harvest arrives, it reminds us that this is a time of great abundance. All the work that was put into change and growth is showing proof. Think back to January and notice what you wanted and needed at that time. See where you put attention and work. The fruits of that labor are about to be harvested.

What is abundant and ready to be received or given in your life?

In order for abundance to take place, we have to be open and willing to give and receive. Open your heart, minds and arms to whatever needs to take place. Let go of hoarding and replace it with generosity. Let go of the longing and replace it with gratitude.

Often times, we sell ourselves short because we don’t believe we are deserving. There can be an underlying guilt when goodness appears. Whether it is a promotion, kindness or a loving relationship we must be open in order to receive the grace and abundance the universe has to offer.

We live in an immensely abundant universe. If you have something to give, give it. If someone is trying to give to you, receive it. Don’t block the flow of energetic love. Pay it forward. Say thank you when it is your turn. Notice where you can spread your abundance whether monetary or emotional.

Gratitude and generosity are cornerstones to an abundant life.

Allow yourself and others to rise up and shine. We are both the fisherman and the fish with something to take and give. Reciprocity keeps abundance flowing.

So tonight, look past the surface and see what is deeper; waiting to be received and notice any places where you can be generous. The moon is highlighting these opportunities. Spend some time in a quiet place and be open to what lies beneath.

How the Ocean Reminds Me of Abundance

whaleThe other day, I came home to a notice of my rent being raised. Although this isn’t the best news to receive, I was surprised by my reaction. My immediate thought was that everything is as it should be and everything will be okay. I realized that if I would have received this notice a year ago, I would have reacted negatively and most likely become upset.

Shortly after I receiving the notice,  I laced up my runners and headed to the beach for a much needed run. I was thinking about the notice and processing the fact when all of a sudden, two whale’s tails rose out of the water very close to shore. I stopped, stunned at what I had just witnessed.

I watched the water and their heads bobbed up and then their fins followed by spouts of water bursting every so often. I stood there for a long time watching these magnificent creatures choreographed to the sound of the waves. I was completely entranced.

The longer I stood there, I realized that there were actually four whales close to shore. The only word that came to mind was “Abundance.” I often scan the water in search for whales, seals and dolphins when I am on the beach. I usually see one every once in a while out in the distance. But this time I was being shown just how abundant the universe really is. I considered this a good omen, one of abundance and provision.

Everything is going to be okay. In fact, when I look back on every time I received news like a rent hike, the universe has provided in ways I could not even imagine and I am filled with gratitude.

I am continually reminded of the lesson of going from a mindset of scarcity to sufficiency and finally abundance. Our minds create our reality. If we allow thoughts of scarcity to overtake us, that becomes our reality. Fixing our minds towards abundance and going a step further and actually practicing gratitude for abundance all around attracts abundance into our lives. Simply put, this is the law of attraction.

I am continually amazed how just changing my mindset from scarcity and anxiety to abundance and gratitude changes everything. Letting go and noticing the positive is key. When I just open my eyes to stop and observe, I realize just how abundant life really is.

Is there an area in your life where scarcity takes over your mindset? How can you transform your mindset to abundance? Where do you see abundance in your life?

For more information on transforming your mindset from scarcity to abundance and practicing gratitude, email me at