April’s Full Moon

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Full Pink Moon

The ritual of spring cleaning is a time when we go through what has accumulated over the winter months and decide what to throw away and what to keep. There is an intention to do a full clearing of clutter to clear any stale energy from our homes.

The things that haven’t been used in a while are noticed and we have the choice on whether it’s time to let them go. This can be a difficult process for some things because they hold sentimental value.

Attachment can cause a great struggle in letting go.

One idea that has always helped me when decluttering is: If you haven’t needed it in a year, chances are you will not need it now. It is liberating to let go of things, especially those with stale or bad energy. Energy shifts when old or unused items are removed. We make room for newness to enter our lives.

Some years are easier to clear clutter than others. Others can be a struggle to find the time to do a deep cleaning. This is a time to recognize any blocks that may arise when it comes to clearing clutter. Allow yourself to take some time to reflect on what the block may be.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  • Do I really like where everything is in my home right now?
  • Am I afraid of what may happen if I get rid of something? If so, what am I afraid of?
  • Do I welcome change?
  • Am I trying to manifest things too quickly and getting impatient with the process?
  • What am I attached/holding on to?

If you find yourself wavering on the thin line of attachment remember that growth comes after the release. It is easy to fall into attachment when hard work bears fruit. But, there is always room for growth!

If you are craving growth and feel slight discomfort from waiting or haven’t seen change in a while, harness the powerful energy of the full moon to notice if any of these areas are highlighted.

The full moon is a time when what needs to be let go of is highlighted and draws our attention to it so we can release it.

Start by making a list of where you would like to see growth in your life. Then break your list down into categories and list how you would like to grow in each area

  • Relationship
  • Career
  • Health
  • Education/Growth
  • Community
  • Family

Then, next to each item, list an action you can take to create the change you desire. Notice where you need to let go and clear clutter in each area. This can be a physical object or an emotion.

Clutter is energetic and has a low vibrational energy.

The things that are no longer serving you hold energy where growth is ready to bloom. Clearing out clutter brings new and lovely things. This takes practice, so be gentle with yourself. Letting go is hard. Even though you may not know what is on the horizon, trust that universe hears your deepest desires. Making your list is manifestation in action.

Pink Moon Meditation:

I am ready to let go of what no longer serves me.

I release my grasp on the things I have been holding onto.

I am ready for growth.

I notice the beauty that is taking place.

Worm Moon

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Spring is soon arriving! As the ground thaws after a long winter, the soil begins to aerate thanks to the movement of earthworms. Underneath, where no one can see their work, worms are creating a healthy environment for seeds and roots to take place.

Even before the eye can behold the plant, important inner work is being completed.

Tonight’s Worm Moon highlights the work that needs to be completed in our souls. Allow the light of the full moon to illuminate the places where you would like growth to take root. Clear out the soul clutter that has accumulated and create room for movement.

Soul clutter can look like the following:

  • Hurt Feelings
  • Resentments
  • Attachment
  • Expectations
  • Bitterness
  • Obsessive Thoughts

When we hold on to things that no longer serve us, we stunt our own growth and healing. Vibrancy radiates from the inside outward. Letting go revitalizes and gives space where restriction once occurred.

There have been several things in my own soul that have accumulated as clutter. I realized that I was unable to focus on the amazing things that are happening because I held on to single events that caused pain. By holding onto the new pain, I wasn’t being present for the new joy flowing into my life. I was caught off guard by the whirlwind that persisted through the calm of joy.

I had to decide to embrace the joy and let go of what was no longer serving me to fully appreciate the magnitude of what was happening in my life.

Soul clutter will numb the joy and even the sorrow. We can get so attached to the feeling of clutter that we don’t even realize we are holding on to something negative. It is like hoarding negative emotions; the more we ignore them, the more comfortable they become. In stillness, we can discover the places that need to be moved and aired out.

Here is a good way to locate the places that need clearing out:

  1. Sit in a quiet place and write down how you have been feeling lately. Notice how your body, mind and spirit feel. Take note on how your relationships have been functioning and how you relate to your physical environment.
  2. Write how you would like to feel in each area.
  3. Then note what keeps you from feeling or experiencing what you want to feel or experience. (These are the things you need to let go of.)
  4. Choose 1 or 2 things to let go of tonight. Allow yourself the next month to focus on letting go.
  5. Watch for new growth where there was once stagnation.
  6. Offer gratitude (every single day).

During a full moon, it is important to notice what no longer serves you. Think of the amount of light the moon is reflecting. Use this time to see all the places where clutter has been stored, release it and allow the moon’s light to illuminate the new space so what is meant to be there will find its way.

Full Beaver Moon

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Tonight is the Full Beaver Moon, named after a creature that works hard to get their job done. With hard work, they can change the course of a river. By learning the flow of water and working with such a powerful force, beavers are able to use water to their advantage to finish their work. Even though a beaver works diligently it also spends quality time with its family..there is a lot that can be learned here.

It is easy to fall into the glorification of busy trap and I can’t remember how many times I have allowed my work to take over my life. I have lost balance on several occasions because I wanted to finish a task only to find myself a slave to my to-do list and ignoring those closest to me. There was once a time when I was home only 10 days out of the month and they were not consecutive.

I craved connection and balance, but didn’t know how it was possible with the demands of my job. There was a desire to settle down, find my person, have time to see friends and get back in shape. It felt impossible when I thought about how much time each of these desires required. It took me a couple years and learning to make necessary endings to find balance, but I am happy I did.

This is the time to make sure to spend time with the people who are important to you. Create the space to just be together instead of creating elaborate plans. Find the time to just be with yourself and others by putting down the phone and calendars and holding space for connection. The present moment is where connection thrives. There are enough parties and schedules to keep us distracted. The hard work is letting go of those distractions and learning to just be, which takes practice.

During this season, it is important to finish projects as the holidays approach. Make sure that you have created space to enjoy quality time where you are present and engaged. Work should never hinder the ability to focus on self care. It is important to ensure you are taking care of yourself in order to be available and present for the ones you love.

Tonight, think of ways to incorporate stillness, connection and self care into your busy life. Write down anything that does not serve you. Perhaps there are things that are just schedule fillers that can be released to create the space needed to be still. At first it may be uncomfortable, but stick with the practice. What will result is a deeper connection to yourself and the opportunity to truly be there for another.

Full Corn Moon

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Lately, there has been some tension in the air. Perhaps it was the eclipse or maybe because Mercury was in retrograde. Whatever it was, I have talked to several people who have been feeling like change is needed. Even people who have just embarked on a new venture, find themselves yearning for something different.

This past week, I also felt a constant itch for change. I searched for flights to anywhere, looked at maps and felt like I was the only person who was staying put. It grew and grew until I woke up one morning completely discontented and upset. I didn’t understand why I was feeling that way, I just knew it felt very real and was bringing me down.

Tonight is the Full Corn Moon. As with every full moon, the things we need to let go of are highlighted and are brought to the surface. This discontent is clearly being highlighted.

This full moon was named to celebrate the harvest of corn; a staple in the Native American diet and way of life. It was not just a source of food, but also used for making furniture, baskets and toys. This one crop created sustenance and became revered for centuries.

I have been reflecting on sustenance as I prepared to write this post. Sustenance is a source of nourishment, strength; something that maintains life. There are many things that are thought of as necessary to maintain a modern lifestyle, but I wanted to notice where my sustenance comes from.

So I asked myself, “Where does my sustenance come from? What do I need to maintain my life and strength?” I broke it down to mind-body-soul because I think all three need to be cared for. I honestly asked myself what was necessary to feel sustained. This is what I came up with…


  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Meditation
  • Meaningful Conversations


  • Running
  • Healthy Food
  • Walking
  • Hugs


  • Prayer
  • Quiet Time
  • Creating
  • Travel

I looked at my list and noticed that I already had everything I needed. This changed my perspective on the desire for change. Instead of needing change, I realized that contentment was the true need. Although I will always welcome change, it was necessary to reframe the story I had created around my current situation.

When I consciously pay attention to contentment, my focus moves from want to gratitude.

The beautiful thing is that the more gratitude you give, the more things there are to be grateful for. The universe hears our deepest desires and want to provide everything we dream of. But, we have to notice what needs are being met, where the gifts are coming from and be grateful first and foremost.

As the full moon shines its light on the areas that need refocusing, pay attention to where your sustenance comes from. Make a list and see where these things are already being provided. Then, offer heartfelt thanks for everything that is and will be. The Corn Moon teaches us that sometimes only one crop can meet so many of our needs and that its source should be recognized and revered.

May your month be filled with sustenance, gratitude and contentment.

Full Sturgeon Moon

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Tonight’s full moon was named for the time of year when sturgeon could be abundantly found in the Great Lakes. This is also a time of celebration and insight as things are preparing to ripen for harvest. Abundance is all around and the sun still hangs in the sky allowing for longer days. The sturgeon moon is about looking deeper and noticing the goodness all around.

If one looked at a lake early in the morning, it would seem tranquil with the sun just coming up. Boats have not made their way out. All is still. The lake mirrors the sky above, yet there is plenty of life thriving just below the surface.

What is alive below the surface for you?

This full moon illuminates things the things that we have either ignored or that are trying to make their way through into consciousness. All of the longings you have been feeling are signals to what is trying to grab your attention. Ask yourself: What are the messages that are trying to be delivered?

It is easy to bury our desires and needs in the midst of schedules and to-do lists. But, right now it is important to pay attention to what begs to be seen and heard. These things are asking you to be true to yourself.

Heed to the relentless call of your soul.

As harvest arrives, it reminds us that this is a time of great abundance. All the work that was put into change and growth is showing proof. Think back to January and notice what you wanted and needed at that time. See where you put attention and work. The fruits of that labor are about to be harvested.

What is abundant and ready to be received or given in your life?

In order for abundance to take place, we have to be open and willing to give and receive. Open your heart, minds and arms to whatever needs to take place. Let go of hoarding and replace it with generosity. Let go of the longing and replace it with gratitude.

Often times, we sell ourselves short because we don’t believe we are deserving. There can be an underlying guilt when goodness appears. Whether it is a promotion, kindness or a loving relationship we must be open in order to receive the grace and abundance the universe has to offer.

We live in an immensely abundant universe. If you have something to give, give it. If someone is trying to give to you, receive it. Don’t block the flow of energetic love. Pay it forward. Say thank you when it is your turn. Notice where you can spread your abundance whether monetary or emotional.

Gratitude and generosity are cornerstones to an abundant life.

Allow yourself and others to rise up and shine. We are both the fisherman and the fish with something to take and give. Reciprocity keeps abundance flowing.

So tonight, look past the surface and see what is deeper; waiting to be received and notice any places where you can be generous. The moon is highlighting these opportunities. Spend some time in a quiet place and be open to what lies beneath.

Thunder Moon

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Tonight’s full thunder moon is named after summer’s thunderstorms. The warm air collects as clouds clap to release their roar, commanding attention. Nature is full of thunderous sounds; like the ocean which releases a roar as waves crash down on the surface.

Waves deliver a constant and steady thunder as they move across the ocean. As a wave swells it peaks before tumbling, creating a thunderous sound. So much energy is gathered and stored until the moment when there is no choice but to release the power.

Water is a dynamic force and the ocean demands respect as it thunders and bellows yet gently holds each sea creature.

Some of the most powerful forces in nature are destructive yet graceful. A greatest strength can also become a weakness if the power is harnessed with the wrong intention.

There are many things we can say or do to create destruction in our lives. Speaking harsh words, holding grudges, physical and emotional abuse. However, the same force inside of us that creates these actions are also capable of being gracious and gentle.

Tonight is a perfect opportunity to think about what has been building up inside and release whatever no longer serves you. Pressure from holding back words and not speaking your truth creates unnecessary stress and anxiety. The full moon illuminates things we need to let go of.

If there is anxious energy surrounding an area in your life, ask the following questions:

  • Is there anything I need to say or come to terms with?
  • Is there a situation or relationship that needs attention or maybe even less attention?
  • What meaning am I giving this situation?
  • How can I release the energy around this situation?

If there are feelings that are being harbored around a certain situation, you can transform the energy you give and receive. The story you tell yourself about the situation, may perpetuate negative emotions and thoughts. Think about a way that you can reframe the narrative in a more positive or healing light.

One of the things that has always helped me when I get stuck in a spiral is remembering that everyone is operating from their level of understanding. They may be in pain and unable to consider both sides because their pain is drowning them. This empathic approach helps alleviate the feeling of needing to be understood and right…even if you are right.

Then, there are cases where you just need to let go and walk away because the other person is just too hurtful. If they are unable to reach past their pain and continue to create pain and suffering in your life, it may be time to release them.

Speaking and living your truth takes courage. It is not always easy to say the things that need to be said or even let go and walk away. But, everything is energy. Think about how a wave travels long distances to create their roar. All the energy is collected to make something beautiful.

All the energy that is being stored can be released in a loving way. Think about a time when you finally found the courage to speak the truth and how relieved you felt. That was a release of powerful energy.

In order to release the thunder within, be like the ocean. Your words or actions may take bravery and create some waves, but if the intention is with grace and love, the release can be beautiful.

May whatever you release tonight find love, grace and healing.

Full Strawberry Moon

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Tonight’s Full moon was named for the time of year when strawberries are ripening; ready for picking. It is an opportunity to reflect on what has evolved in our lives and honor the work that got us there.

A few years ago, I worked in the wine industry and part of my territory was in California’s Santa Maria Valley. I loved this time of year because I could drive through the vast strawberry fields. They seemed to go forever ala The Beatles “Strawberry Fields Forever” which I would play as I slowly drove through this part of the valley. The sweet scent of ripening berries would fill my car and last even after I passed them.

There was a stark contrast to the sweet smell as I saw laborers working hard to pick the berries, bent over at the waist. It made my lower back ache to think of the hours spent huddled over the strawberry bushes. Grateful for their hard work and for all the work and time it takes to harvest the food we eat.

Ripening is beautiful, but harvesting the fruit is laborious.

When a seed is planted, the water has to soften the seed casing in order for the plant to break through. Then the plant needs to push through the soil to find the light. After sprouting, growth takes place above and below the soil; leaves and roots take form. Then the bud breaks and blossoming begins. Eventually, the blossom creates the beginnings of the fruit. If the circumstances are just right, ripening can occur and the sweetness can be enjoyed.

A plant goes through months of work to produce a moment of sweetness.

There are definite times of struggle during a growth season. The same can be said for the sweet things in life. There are so many celebrations that we acknowledge: the birth of a child, graduations, a new home, a job promotion, retirement, weddings and so much more.

But there is also a lot of work that takes place before the celebrations are had. Pregnancy, studying, relationship ups and downs, saving money, the daily tasks of a job. All these tiny steps are necessary to get to the end result. Each tiny victory is a step in ripening. Each deserve a moment of gratitude.

Practicing gratitude can create even greater celebrations in life. Instead of waiting for the grand finale, make every day a celebration. Being present enough to notice the small things can cultivate more presence and gratitude when the fruit of your labor has matured.

During this full moon, take note of all your small victories. Offer gratitude for each of them. Then create an intention for what is ripening. What do you want to create? What are you working towards? Notice where your small victories have occurred and celebrate what you are becoming.

Ripening is only a moment in time; bring mindfulness to all the little moments leading up and celebrate.

Full Flower Moon

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I was 33 years old and terrified that I was leaving a career that was my dream 5 years previous. I wanted to work in the wine industry and learn everything I could about it. This job took me all over the world where I met amazing people and experienced culture and cuisine. For a wanderluster with a palate for pinot, this was a dream come true.

I was so grateful and in awe of all the opportunities BUT something just wasn’t right.

Deep down, I was miserable. I wanted to travel on my own terms and write. I knew that writing wasn’t going to pay the bills, but I knew I had to try it. This concept was terrifying. I had created such security and my soul was begging me to leap. I edged up to the cliff, looked down and went right back to work several times.

I decided to take 2 years off and calculated my freedom number; the amount needed to sustain my simplified lifestyle for my temporary hiatus from work. I saved until I had what I thought was enough to support myself. Then, I stepped back to the edge of that cliff and I still felt my knees tremble, unable to leap.

My soul was relentless and the misery transcended anything amazing that was happening. There were promotions, trips and raises but my resistance caused more pain and left me feeling helpless and depressed.

Then, I realized no matter how many times I crunched numbers or made excuses, this calling was going to pursue me until I let go of the security and resistance and opened to the unknown.

The day I quit my job, I was nervous and excited. I had prepared a letter and walked into the office of the company president. This man was responsible for all the great things that I experienced with the company as well as mentoring me along the way. I was sad to deliver this message to him. As we spoke, he was gracious and understanding. I was so grateful. That moment solidified that I was making the right decision.

Immediately following that conversation, I felt the resistance fade and relief took over. I felt light and happy and excited to embark into the unknown.

Suddenly, I had the freedom I had so badly craved but felt fear creeping back in.

I knew that if I didn’t squash the thoughts of scarcity and insecurity, I would not be able to enjoy what had happened. I combated the fear with gratitude. I sat in the feeling of relief and thanked God for helping me — prodding me — pushing me to harness my bravery.

This was a lesson in becoming. When resistance, fear and pride took over, I was not allowing myself the chance to blossom. I remained tightly closed for almost 2 years because I feared the loss of security. I needed to let go of certainty in order to fully open up to the beauty that wanted to unfold.

It wasn’t until I full released my grasp on the need to control and my craving for certainty that I was able to truly appreciate what was transpiring. When I let go, I felt my creative passion explode and writing became something I must do. I celebrated my bravery and embraced uncertainty like an adventure to a new land. My heart and soul opened and blossomed.

Tonight’s Full Flower Moon is the perfect opportunity to notice where abundance and gratitude are taking place in your life and confront and fear that may be holding you back. Address limiting beliefs and affirm your greatness. This is a time to showcase the beauty that has been carefully worked on and celebrate the growth that has occurred.

Open the floodgates of passion and infuse the areas of your life that have grown stale from neglect. Go after what you really want. Open up and bloom right where you are. Remember a time when you felt alive and excited and then ask yourself: “How can I bring that energy back into my life?”

Now is not the time to play small. Let go of anything holding you back. Celebrate all the goodness that is flowing into your life. Offer gratitude for the fruits of your hard work. This is the time to show off your big beautiful blooms and appreciate their glory.

It has been 3 years since I delivered that letter and I appreciate what took root that day and celebrate all that has blossomed since then.

“The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”  -Anais Nin

Snow Moon

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In the depths of winter, a stillness takes over. Snow falls, covering the ground like a blanket. All is white. Even sound is muffled by the snow’s insulation. Layers are worn to protect from the cold and keep warmth inside. The snow remains as long as the temperatures stay low. Winter is the time for shorter days and colder nights.

Snow provides a beautiful stillness.

Tonight is the full snow moon. The cold of winter has lingered and many of us have gone inward; into our homes and into our thoughts. We have put on layers to protect ourselves from the cold as well as emotional walls to keep others out. Some intentionally and other without a thought. Our defenses go up and keep things from getting in, muffling the voices and emotions that want to get through.

The snow moon is the time to notice where these walls are taking place, where the cold lingers and as a few important questions…

What is being muffled, muted or quieted?

  • Is it your voice trying to say the things your heart is dying to articulate?
  • Do you keep up a wall in order to protect your heart from being hurt?
  • Have past hurts caused a cooling down of your desires?

The beautiful thing about the snow is that underneath, growth is still occurring. In the spring, melted snow reveals that life goes on despite the cold. No matter what layer you have put on to insulate you from pain, growth is still taking place.

In order to recognize the transition, melting has to occur. Sometimes this can look like forgiveness, understanding or love. We may need to offer these to ourselves or to others. When forgiveness and love takes place, something melts. Hearts are opened and free to express. All the thoughts that swirl in our heads can lay to rest. There is no more room for bitterness, cold or judgment.

Understanding comes from opening the heart and mind.

Tonight is the perfect time to set an intention to allow melting to occur around the walls you have built. If there are emotions that need to be expressed, express them. If there are words that need to be said, say them, or journal them if your voice can’t find it’s way yet. If your desires have been quieted, do something to add heat in that area of your life and let the melting surface the buried passion.

Growth takes time. Beautiful, strong and vibrant plants are the ones that take root despite the hardships. Spring is coming and the snow is slowly melting. Allow growth to take place and feel the warmth permeate all areas of your heart.

Full Wolf Moon

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There is an old parable where a chief tells his grandson about two wolves that live inside each person. “These wolves fight in an intense battle. One is light and the other is dark.”

“The light wolf represents things like love, joy, happiness, peace, generosity and compassion.” The chief explains. “The dark wolf represents things like hatred, sorrow, false pride, envy, worry, greed and guilt.”

“Which one wins the battle?” the grandson inquires.

“The one you feed” the chief replies.

The first full moon of the year is the Wolf Moon. As a hungry wolf looks up to the moon, it howls in hunger, yearning to be fed. This is the time to recognize which side we tend to feed. Since the battle rages within, you have to choice to focus on the light and starve the dark or feed the dark and suffocate the light. This full moon shines a light in these areas:

1) Intuition: Wolves are animals that travel in packs as well as alone. Is this a time where isolation is necessary in order to get in touch with your purpose again? Or Is this a time to surround yourself with others to get out of your head and give of yourself? Isolation and connection both serve a higher purpose. Each are necessary at different times. Tap into your intuition and find ways to support your needs.

2) Hunger: Wolves are hunters. With the new year just beginning, there are goals and aspirations ready to be attained. How are you going after what you really want? Is your inner hunter alive and well? Tap into this nature by writing down specific goals and actions you will take to bring yourself closer to the goal. Feel victory in your gut. Take action.

3) Expression: Wolves howl at the moon expressing their primal energy and inner secrets. What parts of you are you hiding away that you wish you could express? Let the light of the full moon illuminate the part of you that you keep hidden. Write it down, say it out loud, dance it out or even howl at the moon. Expression is key here. Give yourself the freedom to express and release the primal energy that has been pent up.

By tapping into your intuition, you can address the hunger within and express yourself fully. Make an effort to implement what is needed to feed your hunger. Your needs will reveal themselves to you with some time spent in stillness. Embrace them and honor them. Choosing to acknowledge and feed your deepest needs will create balance and fulfillment. Choose which wolf you want to feed.