Blue Moon Meditation


The saying “Once in a blue moon” refers to the fact that a blue moon rarely happens; about every 2.5 years over a 100 year period. A Blue Moon occurs when 2 full moons appear in a calendar month. Today, July hosts its 2nd full moon.

This moon is all about truth and uncovering anything that may be holding us back from expressing our authenticity. Today is a great time to take a look into what may be causing a block to further growth and forward movement. Make a list  of things that need to be let go of. Perhaps there are things in your physical environment that causes a block. What needs to be let go of and removed. Allow yourself to detach from these things.

The past has also being highlighted recently and now is a good time to recognize any lessons the past may be trying to teach us. Is there something that is being held onto? Is forgiveness needed in a situation? Are old thoughts or patterns emerging? Are people reconnecting, forgiving or making amends? Take a moment to see what is being revealed and take action if needed. Offer gratitude to the past for its lessons and guidance and then move on.

Finally and most importantly, it is time to set intentions for the month ahead. After taking a look at all that needs to be let go and possible lessons the past has revealed, take a look forward. Where do you want to go? How do you want to feel in the next month? How do you want to shine?

Below is a guided meditation for you to take some time to relax and reflect.

If you are interested in learning more about living an intentional life and letting go of what no longer serves you, email me at Coaching is an effective tool to focus on moving forward in the direction you want your life to go.

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The Power of Prayer

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One of the themes that comes up often with spiritual coaching is prayer. I have coached a few people who have left the religions they grew up in and are seeking ways to connect with their spirituality. Each of these experiences have their own path to understanding. Since I have gone through a similar process, I appreciate and acknowledge the desire to slough off strict religious conditioning to embrace a search for meaning and spiritual practices.

This is my story about prayer…

When I was a child, I learned how to pray. I would confess my sins, express gratitude and request things from a God that seemed so far away. I remember spending most of my time wondering if my prayers were effective; if this giant force in the heavens was hearing me. I never really understood prayer much further than confess, give thanks and ask. It seemed rote and methodical.

I also remember learning the structure of a “proper” prayer. But sometimes, it was hard to follow the structure because I was sobbing through my words trying to find meaning, direction and hope. I would lay all my questions, pain, confusion and pride down to just bear my soul.

As I left the religion, prayer came with me, but in a different capacity. I noticed that prayer has always been a comfort to me and recognized the power that it holds.  I wanted to learn more about this ritual and find a more meaningful explanation than what I had learned as a child. There are different types and purposes of prayers and each religion has their own ritual around prayer. And although prayer has religious undertones, I wanted to discover a more personal practice to this ritual.

Looking back on everything that has transpired in my life, there are certain events that I can pick out that turned out better than I could have ever imagined. This is grace and it’s powerful. I recognize that I did a lot of hard work to achieve goals and get places, but I found strength, clarity and guidance with prayer during those times.

The more I willingly opened my heart and mind to this practice, I noticed a shift in my mindset. I was able to stress less and trust that the universe had my back. Every single time that I had great stress and anxiety, I realized it was because I was trying to tackle the issue on my own.

Here are the things I have experienced from prayer:

  • Having direct communication to God where I can pour out my heart is overwhelmingly sacred.
  • My mind is more focused on gratitude and I stop when something wonderful happens just to offer thanks. I notice beauty all around me because gratitude is a key element to prayer.
  • Knowing that I can have a conversation with God, no structure, just talk and process is very comforting and deeply personal.
  • There is no room for guilt because I can come with a contrite heart and receive grace and forgiveness for myself and others.
  • I can feel an energy shift during and after my time in prayer.
  • Letting go is easier.
  • Clarity often follows especially when sitting in meditation after prayer.
  • Stress and anxiety are reduced

There are so many powerful attributes to prayer and I love learning more and evolving my practice. If you find yourself trying to shed strict religious conditioning or would like to delve deeper into your spirituality, please email me at

“I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time – waking and sleeping. It does not change God – it changes me.”

-C.S. Lewis

How to Create a Prioritized Plan

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One of the main issues I help people with is prioritizing in business and every day life. It is easy to get caught up in the to-do lists and thoughts swirling in our heads. Knowing how to prioritize can create a more effective approach to work and life. With a prioritized plan, time is used more effectively and frees up unnecessary time saps.

Organization is an art and can be learned by implementing a few steps. Look at your current process and implement things from the steps below if they will help you become more efficient.

Here are a few tips on getting things done:

  1. Write down everything that you have to do (or thinking of doing). Use a white board, paper or fill a notebook. Just get it out of your head and onto paper.
  2. Go down your list and prioritize using 1,2,3 or A,B,C or even colors if that is more useful. 1/A being the most important and time sensitive. Are there things that you can delegate or eliminate?
  3. Create a timeline (day, week, month, quarter, year) and list tasks accordingly.
  4. Enter the tasks in your calendar. Add alerts if needed. When its on the schedule, it becomes concrete and is more likely to be completed.
  5. Stop multi-tasking. This is not an effective or efficient way to get things done. Pay attention to the task at hand and then move down the list.

Creating a well prioritized plan will create more order. Revisit your plan at the beginning of the week/month/quarter and revise accordingly. Life is fluid and ever-changing and plans should evolve accordingly. When we stay on top of our tasks and prioritize, we can make sure that our tasks are completed in a timely and organized matter. A good plan will make sure everything gets done and can eliminate some of the unnecessary tasks.

“Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least”


If you would like help with prioritizing, organizing or creating a plan, I would love to help. Send me an email at and let’s get the organization party started!

Guided Meditation: Thunder Moon

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For the past year, I have been practicing setting intentions and letting go of what no longer serves me. The first time I did this practice was a stormy night in Bali last July. The rain seemed endless and I researched ways to change my mindset. I came across setting intentions and created a ritual that I have practiced and honed over the past year.

The clouds parted and the full moon peaked out. I sat in moonlight and meditated on my intentions for the month. I recognized things that were holding me back from my intended outcomes, and I resolved to let them go. This was a process for the month as some things are held with a tighter grip. However, I realized that recognizing the hindrances was the first step of letting go.

This practice has created clarity and calm. I look forward to each Full Moon as a time to reflect and reset. Tonight is the Full Moon. This moon is known as “Thunder Moon” to symbolize summer thunderstorms. While I was recording this guided meditation yesterday, the sky started to rumble with thunder. I was excited for the synchronicity of events. I created this recording to share part of the ritual. My hope is that it brings peace and clarity to listeners.

If you are interested in learning more about setting intentions, please email me at:

Peace and Clarity,


P.S. If you enjoyed this recording, please share it with friends and family. Thank you!